Multimedia and E-Learning Center 

Announcing the starting date of the Digital Teaching Course


on Saturday 11th of September, 2021



Registeration and participation conditions


1- Read the instructions for course participation and initial registration within the electronic form .. click here

2- Paying the fees for participating in the digital teaching course directly at the Center for Multimedia and E-learning at the University of Technology .. Click here to view MELC location at the University of Technology

3- For employees only .. Provide our center with a letter of nomination to participate in the Digital Teaching course, addressed to the University of Technology / Multimedia and E-Learning Center

4- To ensure that you reserve your seat and confirm your participation in the digital teaching course .. Payment of the course fees and the nomination letter (for employees only) must be done maximum one day before the start of the course inevitably


You are most welcome

Highest Visitors 05-27-2023 : 986

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